Flea & Tick Prevention: Keeping Your Pets Safe from Fleas & Ticks


Fleas are one of the most annoying and expensive drawbacks of owning a pet (Americans spend an enormous amount of money each year on parasite prevention). Fleas and ticks are parasites, so they need a host to survive and with a steady food source, an adult flea can live as long as a year or more. Female fleas can produce as much as 30 eggs per day, which can quickly lead to an infestation on your pet and in your Waldorf home. Fortunately, along with routine visits to the veterinarian and taking the appropriate steps for flea and tick prevention at home, you can keep your pet safe from these parasites.

Signs of Fleas and Ticks

The first and most obvious sign your pet has fleas or ticks their incessant scratching, which can lead to secondary bacterial skin infections. Allergic reactions can always occur, which can lead to more scratching, open wounds and red skin. Other signs include flea dirt, hair loss and hot spots. In some situations, both flea and tick bites may lead to anemia and in severe cases; the blood loss may be life-threatening.

Parasite Prevention Options

The best way to reduce the risk of your pet getting fleas and ticks is with one or more method of veterinarian recommended parasite preventions, such as shampoos, dips, collars, powders and sprays, spot-on treatments and/or medications. It can be harmful for your pet to use the wrong type of flea and tick control, so your veterinarian should be consulted before you use any type of parasite prevention and/or treatment

Along with parasite prevention products, there are several things you can do around your home to keep your pets free from fleas and ticks, including keeping your pet clean and your home clean. Bath your dog at least once a week and brush your dog or cat’s hair daily. Vacuum all carpets in your daily and keep your pet’s bedding clean. Before using natural and homemade treatments for fleas and ticks, it is important to talk with your veterinarian in Waldorf to ensure the treatment you are considering is safe.

Contact Waldorf Emergency Care for more information about flea and tick prevention.