Pet Unconsciousness

Learn the Urgency of Pet Unconsciousness with Waldorf Emergency Care

Pet unconsciousness can be scary if it befalls upon the animal you love most. If it happens, take action and call your vet right away to avert a situation that could be otherwise fatal. This is the time your pet needs you the most, and experienced veterinarians at Waldorf Emergency Care in Waldorf can save the situation.

How Pet Unconsciousness Happens

Pet unconsciousness is caused by either neurologic,cardiac or metabolic factors. The cardiac factors are related to heart problems, whereas the neurological factors are due to complications with the pet’s nervous system.

Neurologic: The neurologic pet unconsciousness is largely associated with an overactive body nerve called the vagus. This nerve traverses the chest and the neck to the animal’s brain, and its primary function is to slow the heart rate. So if anything puts pressure on it, the heart rate may be dramatically slowed down and will likely trigger seizures or abnormal brain activity thereby leaving the pet unconscious.

Cardiac: The cardiac pet unconsciousness is caused by ineffective pumping of blood and insufficient supply to the brain. When that happens, the brain becomes confused, and it will not give other body organs the correct instructions. This eventually results in ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, A-V block, or sinus syndrome among other conditions that make a pet fall into unconsciousness.

Metabolic: Metabolic unconsciousness in pets often results from underlying health issues affecting their metabolism. Conditions like hypoglycemia or organ failure can lead to a state of unconsciousness, requiring prompt veterinary attention for diagnosis and treatment. Regular check-ups and a balanced diet are crucial for maintaining a pet's metabolic health.

Unconsciousness vs. Collapsing

Don’t confuse between pet unconsciousness with collapsing. During a collapse, the pet may be weak and unable to get up, but it will still be conscious of what is happening around. However, pet unconsciousness means it does not respond to any stimuli and will show one or a combination of the following symptoms:

  • Rapid breathing and heartbeat
  • No eye movement
  • The gums become white
  • There is a weak pulse
  • No heartbeat or breathing
  • And more…

The first goal of the treatment is to get the heart beating and the pet breathing before treating the root cause of the problem. Pet unconsciousness can be fatal and requires that you seek treatment from a qualified veterinarian the soonest possible.

At Waldorf Emergency Care, We Can Help

At Waldorf Emergency Care, our qualified and experienced vets have successfully helped many pet owners with unconsciousness conditions. Thus, if you experience this problem with your pet, call us at (301) 705-9700 , and we will respond to your emergency at any hour of the day or night.