Vomit And Diarrhea

It is not uncommon for pets to vomit from time to time. Sometimes, your pet can get into the trash looking for something to eat. When your pet is outdoors, at times, your pet might eat a toxic plant when they should not have. This can cause your pet to vomit. It is not uncommon to have your pet to have watery stool on from time to time. If your pet has vomited or has had diarrhea continuously and no signs of improvement, contact Waldorf Emergency Care in Waldorf to provide treatment right away.

What Causes Vomiting and Diarrhea In Pets?

There are a variety of reasons that could be causing your pet to be vomiting or to have diarrhea.

  • Stress: Stressful situations can cause your pet to develop an upset stomach.
  • Toxic substances: If your pet ingests anything poisonous, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. It can also cause your pet to have blood in his vomit and his stools.
  • Virus: A viral infection in your pet’s intestines can cause these issues.
  • Parasites: Parasites like hookworm and whipworms like to invade your pet’s intestines.
  • Intestinal obstruction: Your pet’s bowel can become twisted or can create an intestinal blockage.
  • Reaction to certain foods: If your pet eats anything that doesn’t agree with its stomach, it can make your pet sick.

When to Call the Veterinarian?

Unless there is blood in your pet’s stool or vomit, you won’t need to call the vet the first time that he vomits or has a runny stool. You should, however, make sure that you monitor your pet for the next 24-hours. If your pet is still vomiting or has runny stools 24-hours after the first time and is experiencing discomfort, you should take him to the vet. It is essential that you take your pet to our veterinarian so that your pet can be given fluids to rehydrate. The vet will also need to run some tests to figure out why your pet has been getting sick.

How to Prevent Vomiting and Diarrhea

There is no way to protect your pet from these issues. However, there are steps that you can take to prevent these issues from happening.

  • Monitor your pet’s diet: You should monitor what your pet eats. Be sure to feed your dog or cat its own food and treats only. Human food can be hard on its stomach and should be avoided.
  • Keep toxins locked up: You should keep human medication, pet medication, cleaning products, pest control products, and toxic plants locked up, away from your pet’s reach.
  • Keep up-to-date on his flea and tick medication: You should make sure that your pet has its flea and tick medication regularly. This will prevent parasites from invading your pet’s intestines and making it sick.

If your pet has been vomiting or is having constant diarrhea, you should schedule an appointment with Waldorf Emergency Care in Waldorf at (301) 705-9700 . Vomit and diarrhea can be very serious; therefore, he should see our veterinarian for treatment.