Helping Your Pet Avoid Foxtails and Spring Hazards with Waldorf Emergency Care


Your Waldorf Emergency Care team always remains focused on helping pets avoid common hazards. The spring season brings many different hazards to the table, keeping your vet team on their toes. You will also need to stay vigilant to help your pet avoid all the most common spring hazards, including dreaded foxtails. Here are a few hazards in Waldorf that you can help your pet avoid.


In the springtime, a tall meadow grass called foxtails grows like a weed, covering the fields far and wide. As this grass grows, it causes few problems, leading pet owners to think the coast is clear. Unfortunately, as this spring hazard dries up in the summer, the pointy foxtail seed heads break loose. These seeds can end up lodged in your pet’s mouth, ears and even between the toes. Your vet will help you learn how to avoid foxtails in your area and how to respond if your pet comes into contact with this plant.


As the spring weather warms up, snakes start to become active once again. As the snakes slither across your property, they can quickly catch your dog’s eye, inciting their curiosity. Unless they have been taught otherwise, most dogs will attempt to play with or attack any snakes they see. This can result in a serious or even deadly snake bite from a venomous snake. You can work with your Waldorf veterinarian to determine where these wily spring hazards hang out and how to avoid them.

Toxic Algae

With the warm season comes a risk of encountering toxic algae in lakes and ponds. Just a few sips of water contaminated by blue-green algae can cause your pet to suffer serious health effects, including seizures. You will need to know how to spot algae and where it tends to arise — and your vet can help.

Schedule Your Pet Care Appointment with Your Waldorf Veterinarian

When you partner with our team at Waldorf Emergency Care, you can work toward keeping your pet safe from foxtails and other spring hazards. We welcome you to give us a call at (301) 705-9700 to schedule your visit and learn more about avoiding spring hazards in Waldorf.