Pet Surgery Coming Up? Get The Info You Need


If your pet is having surgery, it’s important that you talk with the veterinarian performing the procedure before the appointment date. At Waldorf Emergency Care, we strive to ensure that every pet parent is well informed regarding their pet’s surgical procedure.

Talk With Your Vet

When you’re talking with your veterinarian about your pet’s upcoming procedure, you want to know what to expect. Your vet may have pre-surgery instructions for you to follow with your pet. These instructions may include giving your pet medicine prior to surgery, or ensuring that your pet does not eat or drink before the procedure. You’ll also want to talk with the vet about how long the procedure is likely to take. As a concerned pet owner, it’s normal to be worried during your pet’s operation, and it helps to know when you can expect the veterinarian to call with an update about the surgery.

You’ll also want to go over your pets aftercare instructions. Depending on the procedure, your pet may be sent home with pain medication to help them ease through their recovery. Talk with your vet about the dosage and frequency with which you are to administer the medication. You’ll want to discuss behavior changes that are normal for a pet that underwent the procedure, so you know what is and is not cause for alarm. It’s also important to talk with your vet about what to do in case of an emergency. Your vet will provide you with an after hours number or the phone number of an emergency hospital (if their animal hospital is not 24 hours) in the case that your pet experiences complications and requires urgent care.

Call Our Waldorf Veterinarian

If your pet is in need of a surgical procedure, call Waldorf Emergency Care at (301) 705-9700. We’ll treat your furry family member as one of our own.