Preventing Cat & Dog Heat Stroke


During the warmer times of the year, it is extremely important to monitor your dog or cat for signs of heat stroke when temperatures rise. If you suspect your pet is dealing with symptoms associated with this condition, contact Waldorf Emergency Care in Waldorf to make an appointment with our veterinarian for an assessment. Here is some information about heat stroke in pets to read over so you understand this condition and how our vet can help if needed.

Signs Your Pet May Be Suffering

If hot temperatures are present, be on the lookout for symptoms that indicate your pet is having difficulty. A pet suffering from heat stroke will pant in an attempt to cool the body down. This will work for dogs, however, for cats panting will usually only tire the animal instead of decreasing its internal temperature. Your pet may act lethargic, avoid eating, or seem disoriented.

Steps To Take To Protect Your Pet

When warm weather is expected, taking steps to safeguard your dog or cat from heatstroke is a necessity. Place several bowls of water in your home so your pet has a readily-available drink at any time. Cool the home with air conditioning or fans, and keep the shades or curtains drawn to keep sunlight from warming the interior of your home to extreme levels. Do not allow your pet outdoors during daytime hours in extremely hot temperatures.

How Our Veterinarian Can Help

When a pet shows signs of heat stroke, it is important to bring them to our veterinarian for an evaluation immediately. Our vet will conduct procedures to cool your pet safely, provide them with hydration via IV if necessary, and will prescribe medication to help treat the problem in more severe cases. Heat stroke is considered an emergency and it is best to bring your cat or dog to our practice if you suspect they are dealing with this condition.

Contact Our Waldorf Emergency Care in Waldorf Today!

Contact Waldorf Emergency Care in Waldorf to meet with our veterinarian if you think your pet has signs of heatstroke. Call us at (301) 705-9700 to learn more.